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Speed humps require a traffic study, which is conducted by Charlotte and Harrisburg DOT respectively. The requirements are:

  1. You must have a certain number of vehicles driving through a high-traffic area.
  2. Once you have reached that number, approval must be granted by the Fire Chief.*

*Response time by emergency vehicles is measured in seconds, as opposed to minutes. Each second required for an emergency vehicle to traverse an area can be the difference between life and death.

If you find that your pool fob is not working, it could be due to the following reasons:

1.) You may have an outstanding balance on your account.

2.) Your card may have been deactivated due to a replacement fob, or other means.

To rectify or inquire about any of these issues, please contact Red Rock Management at (888)-757-3376 or by email at support@gowithredrock.com.

To access the WiFi:

Step 1: Select the location of the pool that you are at under your Wifi settings (e.g. Berkshire Pool).

Once you have selected it, a browser will open, prompting you to log in with Facebook.

Step 2: Login & use the check-in feature to access the WiFi.

Step 3: Enjoy!

Note: Wifi will only be available during pool hours to Homeowners that have access to the pool area. All users of the provided service(s) are subject to our Acceptable Use Policy.

In some instances, homeowners or tenants who are transitioning out of our community for whatever reason may leave items on the side of the street. Additionally, they may be under the assumption that Solid Waste Services will automatically pick up the bulky items. Homeowners/tenants are required to use one of the following contacts to report bulky items in need of pickup:

MunicipalityCompanyContact Number
CharMeckCity of Charlotte/Mecklenburg County311
Cabarrus WastePro 980-255-3800
Townhomes (Owner/tenant responsible)If left behind, report it to TaylorMade Sanitation Services(980)-938-6886 or at customercare@taylormadesanitationservice.com.

In Berkshire Townhomes, homeowners and/or tenants are required to haul their equipment or contact a third-party service. If you live in the Townhomes and notice bulky items being left at the curb, please contact Red Rock Management at (888)-757-3376 or by email at support@gowithredrock.com. Additionally, you can reach out to Taylor Made Sanitation Services directly at (980)-938-6886 or at customercare@taylormadesanitationservice.com.

If you live in Charlotte or Mecklenburg County, please contact 311. If you live in Cabarrus County, please contact your municipal government office or waste provider.

Category: General Questions

Pool Hours may vary when school is in session and by day. Hours and dates of operation are posted on our website and social media prior to the beginning of each pool season. Additionally, the easiest way to reference pool hours is via the Pool Rules document, which can be accessed via My Red Rock.

Category: General Questions

Please call 311 or the towing company listed on signs. If signs are not listed, and there is a no parking ordinance, please contact your respective municipality.

The Homeowners Association is responsible for maintaining all common areas throughout the neighborhood.

In the event that you have lost or need a replacement Pool Fob, please do the following:

  1. If you are a renter, please reach out to the Homeowner.
  2. If you are a Homeowner and have lost or never received a Fob, please contact Red Rock Management at (888)-757-3376 or by email at support@gowithredrock.com.

Note: Replacement fees may apply.

First and foremost, welcome to our Neighborhood! We are glad that you chose our community to call home.

  1. Get to know your Neighbors.
  2. Make sure that you have taken the time to review Neighborhood Documents.
  3. Follow us on Social Media for the latest updates (you can find these on our homepage or at the top or bottom of each page via Social Media icons).
  4. Become involved, join a committee.
  5. Become familiar with the area.
Category: General Questions

The Board of Directors typically meet every third Wednesday of each month. Dates/times/locations may vary based on location availability and other events. Announcements regarding these meetings will be posted on the Website and Social Media.

Category: General Questions

Neighborhood Documents can be accessed via NeighborConnect, which you can access here, or from the main navigation bar by clicking Neighborhood Resources, then NeighborConnect. Access to NeighborConnect is at the discretion of the Web & Communications team.

Category: General Questions

Duke Energy is currently in the process of clearing a backlog for street light evaluations throughout the area. The Neighborhood Safety Team has been working with municipal officials to have the neighborhood evaluated.

Lights for areas within the City of Charlotte can be requested through 311. Harrisburg & Mecklenburg County (outside of City Limits) fall under the responsibility of the Homeowners Association.

Street Lights that are out; however, do fall under Duke Energy. Please contact them or use the following website to report an outage.

Private roads in the Townhomes & county-only roads that have not been turned over to the City are the responsibility of the Homeowners Association. All city/town-controlled roads are maintained by the municipal government. To report issues, call 311 (in CharMeck) or Town of Harrisburg.

Yes, homeowners/tenants are allowed to rent out Berkshire Pool. Please contact the Board of Directors for more information. If facilities are clean upon departure of your party, your deposit will be refunded.

Category: Rentals